Hello, voyagers! I'm Sil here to show you what I've gotten this month as in book-related things {+ other goodies}! February was such a good month and I'm so sad to see it go - can't believe we're like two days from March?!!? We held our Valentine's Day event which we L O V E D doing and so happy you guys did too! And all the books releasing this month were also pretty good.
So I'm here showing you guys my book haul and book mails I got recently. Some of them I bought, some of them I won and others were kindly sent to me by friends!
The kind and wonderful Dahlia Adler - *cough* if you haven't read her books, do it! - made my day when she told me she was going to send me her ARC of GAtU! This is one of my most anticipated 2016 reads and it seems like it's going to be so much fuuuuun. I'm so ready for the fluffy and the cuteness.

And the book swag is so cute! I didn't expect them and when I opened the first page I was so happy to find them there (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ I've already read Marieke's book and absolutely loved it! Of course I already read Just Visiting (one of my favorite books!). Now I have to check out Liars and Losers Like Us, it sounds amazing and super fun.
Krista and Becca are the nicest, kindest, the most amazing people I know. They write these NA books called the Addicted series and we are all *whispers* addicted to them. LONG WAY DOWN is the last book of the series and it's so frigging huge! It's beautiful and I just love everything about this book a lot. Thank you so much for sending it to me guys <3
They also sent me this Shut the Fucupcakes tank top that Daisy Calloway, a character in their books, uses one time. I completely adore it and the fabric is just super soft and I don't ever want to take it off? The colors are cuteeeee and it's my new fave.
I bought this one not long ago. I read and loved The Young Elites and really wanted TRS asap. When I found it in my local bookstore, I almost screamed and took it. I couldn't believe they had it so early AND IN PAPERBACK? It matches my pb of TYE so I'm a happy watermelon.
I also bought this one (+ my order of TASU who hasn't arrived yet *cries*) but this one got earlier! A couple of days ago after finishing another book, I looked at this one and thought: I want to read this right now. So I totally did and finished it in hours after. It was so cute and perfect. Jennifer writes so well and she transported me back to high school <3
The author, Laura Andersen, did a flash giveaway on Twitter and I was lucky enough to get this one! I love, love, love her Boleyn series and her characters are just so amazing and the story is magical. I'm a sucker for historical fiction but I'm a big sucker for well-written, great investigated historical fiction book. Laura Andersen describes us life at court of Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII. But now it's their children ruling!!! THE TUDOR LEGACY is her newest series about Elizabeth Tudor and her reign - if you like historical fiction and lies and epic love stories and kings and queens, I recommend you to pick it up!
So I'm here showing you guys my book haul and book mails I got recently. Some of them I bought, some of them I won and others were kindly sent to me by friends!

And the book swag is so cute! I didn't expect them and when I opened the first page I was so happy to find them there (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ I've already read Marieke's book and absolutely loved it! Of course I already read Just Visiting (one of my favorite books!). Now I have to check out Liars and Losers Like Us, it sounds amazing and super fun.
#2. LONG WAY DOWN by Krista and Becca Ritchie + tank top!
Krista and Becca are the nicest, kindest, the most amazing people I know. They write these NA books called the Addicted series and we are all *whispers* addicted to them. LONG WAY DOWN is the last book of the series and it's so frigging huge! It's beautiful and I just love everything about this book a lot. Thank you so much for sending it to me guys <3
They also sent me this Shut the Fucupcakes tank top that Daisy Calloway, a character in their books, uses one time. I completely adore it and the fabric is just super soft and I don't ever want to take it off? The colors are cuteeeee and it's my new fave.
#3. THE ROSE SOCIETY by Marie Lu.
I bought this one not long ago. I read and loved The Young Elites and really wanted TRS asap. When I found it in my local bookstore, I almost screamed and took it. I couldn't believe they had it so early AND IN PAPERBACK? It matches my pb of TYE so I'm a happy watermelon.
#4. MOST LIKELY TO SUCCEED by Jennifer Echols.
I also bought this one (+ my order of TASU who hasn't arrived yet *cries*) but this one got earlier! A couple of days ago after finishing another book, I looked at this one and thought: I want to read this right now. So I totally did and finished it in hours after. It was so cute and perfect. Jennifer writes so well and she transported me back to high school <3
#5. THE VIRGIN'S SPY by Laura Andersen.
The author, Laura Andersen, did a flash giveaway on Twitter and I was lucky enough to get this one! I love, love, love her Boleyn series and her characters are just so amazing and the story is magical. I'm a sucker for historical fiction but I'm a big sucker for well-written, great investigated historical fiction book. Laura Andersen describes us life at court of Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII. But now it's their children ruling!!! THE TUDOR LEGACY is her newest series about Elizabeth Tudor and her reign - if you like historical fiction and lies and epic love stories and kings and queens, I recommend you to pick it up!
HAVE YOU READ ANY OF THESE? OR REALLY WANT TO? Tell us in the comments!!