
Sunday Street Team | Review: FEAR THE DROWNING DEEP by Sarah Glenn Marsh

by - 10:10 AM

Sunday Street Team is organized by Nori aka Read Write Love 28. It's a cross between a blog tour and a street team where you spotlight an author each month. Posts will be out each Sunday!

Title: Fear the Drowning Deep
Author: Sarah Glenn Marsh
Publisher: Sky Pony Press
Release date: October 4th, 2016

Witch’s apprentice Bridey Corkill has hated the ocean ever since she watched her granddad dive in and drown with a smile on his face. So when a dead girl rolls in with the tide in the summer of 1913, sixteen-year-old Bridey suspects that whatever compelled her granddad to leap into the sea has made its return to the Isle of Man.

Soon, villagers are vanishing in the night, but no one shares Bridey’s suspicions about the sea. No one but the island’s witch, who isn’t as frightening as she first appears, and the handsome dark-haired lad Bridey rescues from a grim and watery fate. The cause of the deep gashes in Fynn’s stomach and his lost memories are, like the recent disappearances, a mystery well-guarded by the sea. In exchange for saving his life, Fynn teaches Bridey to master her fear of the water — stealing her heart in the process.

Now, Bridey must work with the Isle’s eccentric witch and the boy she isn’t sure she can trust — because if she can’t uncover the truth about the ancient evil in the water, everyone she loves will walk into the sea, never to return.

If you're in need of a scary read for the October holidays, Sarah Glenn Marsh's Fear the Drowning Deep is actually a perfect choice. What lies in the deepest parts of the sea? ~ Man have gone to the farthest reaches of space, but it's actually the sea that has been left unexplored, and this book just reminds you that there are monsters under us, waiting.

There is a lot of mythology and local monster legends (I would guess they are local) that takes place in the Isle of Man. It was realy intriguing to see all the different types and you might meet some of them throughout the book.

I also love the somber air of this novel! I don't even like to go in the sea because I'm scared of stepping on something like a crab, like imagine this now. I would be terrified to live in that town and with all the disappearences, gosh!! I always imgined like whenever Bridey went to the market or go out, there was like a lot of fog happening and it was just really gloomy and stuff.

Bridey is actually really great as a MC. I like her and all her sisters are so cool, as well. Her parents are also really nice and they're definitely on the #goodparentsinYA squad. But then there is Fynn, probably my favorite character. He's so mysterious because yup, he suddenly appeared on the beach where Bridey saved him. He doesn't remember ANYTHING and it seems like he knows nothing about anything. His character is a big part of this book ~ the romance is also really great and I loved the connection these two had.

I very much enjoyed this novel. I'm actually hoping that they is going to be a book two! The story didn't drag and it didn't slow down, for sure. It kept a pace that many will find enjoyable.

Sarah Glenn Marsh writes young adult novels and children’s picture books. An avid fantasy reader from the day her dad handed her a copy of The Hobbit and promised it would change her life, she’s been making up words and worlds ever since.

When she’s not writing, Sarah enjoys watercolor painting, ghost hunting, and pursuits of the nerd variety, from video games to tabletop adventures. She’s never met an animal or a doughnut she didn’t like.

Sarah lives in Richmond, Virginia with her husband and their tiny zoo of four rescued greyhounds, a bird, and many fish. She is the author of Fear the Drowning Deep, the Reign of the Fallen duology, and several picture books.

Contact: Website | Goodreads | Twitter 

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